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  • Writer's pictureAlex Janis

Prompt: Preliminary Bio

Hello! My name is Alex Janis. I am currently a senior at Madison Country Day High School and I am interning with the Biomechatronics, Assistive Devices, Gait Engineering and Rehabilitation (BADGER) Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin.

My scientific interests include robotics, hydraulics, physics, and engineering. In this internship, I hope to learn more about college so that I can narrow down what kind of engineering I want to pursue. Over the course of the summer, I will be updating this blog based on given prompts from my school's internship program and events from each week of interning. Thank you for visiting my blog!

For more information on UW BADGER Lab check out my next blog post titled "Prompt 1: Introduction to the lab, research aims, and people" or check out the labs website here.

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